Christmas crafts

Our entries for this month artsy craftsy challenge

Cards made for next door Patti’s (Grandma’s) – We made 3 cards similar to this (inspired from Shruti’s this post) and gifted the patti’s with gift cards this year.. It was Adi’s idea to make a pouch on right side of the card to insert the gift cards 🙂

Card for R akka – who is staying with us for short time..

Christmas cakes – All the cakes made by her in my absence.. Oh there were some cup cakes too.. I missed to click them..

Adi used play dough cake making machine to bake make these cakes… this was one of the gift Santa gave her this year.. I know its a 3 yr old thingie but this girl she wanted it now.. What can I say? Santa just gets them what they wish for so she got it 🙂

And a glittery butterfly for mommy – Its the Christmas gift she gave to me (posting again to include in artsy craftsy list 😉 )

Pot holders – Another gift she got from Santa. I don’t know if this qualifies for Christmas crafts theme but publishing as Adi spent quiet some hours with all patience to make these holders. You should have seen her posture..It was funny.. Sitting on the carpet for hours resting her back on couch with legs stretched, ankles criss crossed, holding the plastic loom closer to her and weaving the patterns with fabric loops like how the grandma’s do.. She finished two per day. It was so surprising to see her interest in weaving the patterns 🙂

this was the outer cover of the kit (Just in case if you are interested in buying for your kid).. I loved it but the girl is not letting me to use the holders. She doesn’t want them to get old.  The maximum I can do is touch them.. She might even keep it in the locker soon.. 🙂

21 thoughts on “Christmas crafts

  1. she made ALL this *faints, gets up and falls at her feet* I mean boss…Ani, I am telling you..this girl..will be a great artist when she grows up

    That cake is so droolworthy..what 3 year old..the 30 year old here cant do it…!!! Hats off proud 🙂

  2. Woah! This is just too good Ani. Our Adi is going to be an amazing artist. Look at how creative she is.

    Super big hugs to Adi and may she continue to explore her creative side in the years to come.

  3. it’s amazing…I’m very proud of her…Give her my love…
    Wish you and your family a very Happy New Year..May all your dreams come true in 2012….

  4. Very pretty, thoughtful and soooooooooooper creative pieces of art 😀
    Me too want that cake machine NOW 😥 😥 (making mental note to get one for Pari)
    Hugs to the little artist Adi 🙂
    happy New year in advance 🙂

  5. great work by Adi.. Love the tree idea and pouch idea..
    pot holders very nice. colourful.
    Cake looks….ippave sappidanum pola..

    hi hi..
    butterfly ….glitters as always..
    santa gifts are very thoughtful di….

    Hugs and new year wishes to both of you.

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