Food day

Almost 8 hours was spent in kitchen today! So, today’s post has to be about food. Agree?

Started off with making of pumpkin sambar and arbi fry to Ammavasaya offering to in-laws. Then, made Onion uthappam, Cauliflower peas kurma and Veg clear soup to share with neighbors as its their anniversary today. Took a small break to sip some coffee and then started with prep work for Almond cake. The entire clan helped with cake making and we made 3 batches to share with neighbors.

The best part of today was the chit chat we had while doing the marathon cooking. Adi and M cracked some really good jokes (of course I was the target) that cracked me up and I was laughing hard for a long time like a lunatic!

LHB and I spent some time in exercise room later in the evening. That’s when we heard school is closed tomorrow and its going to be remote for rest of this week! More fun times I guess *rolls eyes*

So there is officially one more day of winter holidays before we get back to grind and the best part of I don’t have to cook tomorrow! yayyyy!

Almond cake is a simple 4 ingredient guilt free cake, I will be happy to share the recipe!

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