2021 Garden updates

I joined a garden group this year and they are one group of valuable resources. Its administered by a master gardener and any doubts about garden will be answered in that group. I am so thankful for this group. They have seeds swap meets in the beginning of the season. I received moringa seeds and shared my lemon saplings with some of them.

We mostly bought saplings from local farm, started them indoors and then moved the pots to backyard deck once weather got better. In addition, planted some lauki seeds and green pumpkin saplings shared by neighbor. I still have stock of lauki in freezer that I use for Ammavasya cooking to offer to my father in law who is a hard core gardener.

I wouldn’t say we did great with gardening last year, it was an average effort but the yieldings made me super proud. Hope to do better this year! Our goal is to survive summer with yields from our home garden.

I made eco friendly paper cups to start ladies finger seeds indoors. Cluster beans was a surprise this year. Its a blissful feeling to bring food from home garden to table!

Our ganesh this year was made from home garden veggies 🙂

And this year I also started backyard composting. Kitchen wastes are now duly added to the compost. Yet to see the results though!

14 thoughts on “2021 Garden updates

    • of course, start with tomatoes and herb garden (mint, methi leaves, basil, coriander etc..) also some flowers like hibiscus! message me if you have any question. I can’t believe I am helping someone with garden🤦

  1. Ani, this yield looks awesome…how fresh these beauties look. You did a fabulous job dear….mu hibiscus plant is only one stem since last 6 months…*sigh*

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