Tesla long drive experience and Move in day updates

This is our first time experience of driving EV car for long distance and I must say overall it was a very good experience to our surprise.

We had doubts about stopping every 2 hours for recharging as usually we drive straight 4-6 hours every leg before taking a break. With supercharger at each stop it took about 30 minutes to fully recharge.

Taking every 2 hours break also helped us to stretch often that aided to not feel tired, no motion sickness and no long break. We refueled ourselves during these breaks that helped as well.

Lessons learned from this experience is driving faster consumes more battery so stay within 70-75 mph, charge fully at every station that allows you to stick to the supercharger stop suggestions provided by the trip planner at the beginning of the trip.

We tried to act smart 😁, continued trip after partially charging at some stations, drove faster and ended up losing 2 hours in total trip!

The charging happens faster when the car is at less than 20%, charging time increases as the battery % increases. For example, it charges from 20 to 40% in 10 minutes and takes about 30 minutes to charge from 80 to 100%. This was the main reason we continued trip with 80% but it didn’t help much!

We left home at 4am and reached hotel at 10:30pm still none of us felt travel tiredness or body pain. We had good sleep and woke up as usual today.

About today, all day was spent in the campus, we helped Adi setup her room, spent time with her roommate’s family and we all together followed the agenda shared by the college. Surprisingly, I was able to hold back my tears, we gave her the surprise letter, cards, LHB’s gifts and parted ways in the evening. She is at the dorm now having dinner and we are on our way to visit a friend’s family. She is in good company, secured campus and have excellent resources around her. I am feeling very peaceful ❤️❤️

7 thoughts on “Tesla long drive experience and Move in day updates

  1. EV car la ivalavu vishayama !! I have started driving a small automatic now. I have realised a beep sound comes in once I go to higher speeds..
    Wishing Adi the best !! Ah the kid is growing wings !! ❤️

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